Life as a Fish

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cell Groups

On the other hand, cell was sweet! Jade and I were lucky, as a lot of the people in our cell were the guys that hung out with us anyway so we could really build up good relationships. Tipan could translate as well, so we were always really involved in what was going on, and every week they asked us to share from the Bible (usually with less than about 5 minutes notice). Kardin, Sayangi, Dara, Meli, Berkat, Jeni, Fanolo, Yasman, all became a really special part of our time in Nias. More than that though, God really put a burden on me for the cell groups as a ministry… it was so cool to see how He brought through my experience in cell at uni and while working for St Johns to benefit the work on Nias. I had been feeling for a couple of weeks that I would like to do some kind of training/envisioning for the Cell Leaders, as they had only been running for about 6 months so everyone was quite new to the idea, and I was getting really excited at the potential for growth there. I spoke to Jeremy, my leader, about this and that night we were at a prayer meeting with the cell leaders and Herman (our contact – the youth leader we were working with) asked Jeremy if the team could do any leadership training for the cell leaders… so God spoke pretty clearly in that moment and I was given the chance later on to run through some training based on the Fusion cell values we had used at university.


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